[Legal Procedure] Formulate devaelopment plans(Cities·provinces / Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy)
[Procedure for Various Impact Assessment] Pre-envirenmental impacts Evaluation Board Area transportion improvenment
[Legal Procedure] Request approval for plans for FEZ Designation and development(Cities·provinces → Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy)
- [Procedure for Various Impact Assessment] Discussion of pre-environmental impacts, Establishment of a board area Trans potation system improvement Measure
- [Procedure for Various Impact Assessment] Appraisal and resolution by FEZ committee
[Legal Procedure] Approve FEZ plans(Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy)
[Legal Procedure] Select Project Implementors for Individual target FEZs
[Legal Procedure] Request approval for the revision Of the development plans(Implementors → Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy) *Cities·provinces
[Legal Procedure] Approval for changing of Development Scheme(Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy)
- [Procedure for Various Impact Assessment] Completion of the discussion On use of energy
- [Procedure for Various Impact Assessment] Completion of the discussion On Environmental & other impacts
- [Procedure for Various Impact Assessment] Consult with relevant agencies(Municipalities & central ministries)
- Intergrated impact Assessment
- Establish and Submit draft plans
- Discuss & deliverate On main assessment
- [Procedure for Various Impact Assessment] Appraisal and resolution by FEZ Committee
- [Procedure for Various Impact Assessment] Requesting for approval Of execution scheme(Business operator → Governor)
- [Procedure for Various Impact Assessment] Approval for scheme of execution(Governor)
- [Legal Procedure] Begin construction work
- [Legal Procedure] Complete construction work
- [Legal Procedure] Complete projects